Vignette Rug Collection

This collection of luxurious axminster rugs has been curated to add modern flexibility to your interior scheme.  The 14 cool, contemporary rugs are all woven to order in our durable, 8 row axminster carpet. Manufactured in our Wiltshire factory in our standard contract-quality of 80% wool, 20% nylon yarn blend, they offer outstanding long-lifetime-value.

The collection is manufactured 3.05m (10’) wide x 2.44m (8’) long as standard but as with the designs, if you are after a bespoke style and size, our Area Managers and Design Studio will be on hand to create exactly what you have in mind.

This collection of luxurious axminster rugs has been curated to add modern flexibility to your interior scheme.  The 14 cool, contemporary rugs are all woven to order in our durable, 8 row axminster carpet. Manufactured in our Wiltshire factory in our standard contract-quality of 80% wool, 20% nylon yarn blend, they offer outstanding long-lifetime-value.

The collection is manufactured 3.05m (10’) wide x 2.44m (8’) long as standard but as with the designs, if you are after a bespoke style and size, our Area Managers and Design Studio will be on hand to create exactly what you have in mind.

Wilton Carpets has forged a reputation for excellence through decades spent immersed in good design and unwavering attention to carpet craft. You can find us in the Wiltshire town of the same name; Wilton has been the historic and spiritual home of carpet weaving since 1741, and has come to stand for fine carpets of enduring quality.

All our woven axminster and wilton carpets are designed and made in Wilton using British wool, regarded as the world’s best for its blend of resilience and recovery. Embracing our heritage with our traditional narrowlooms and broadlooms, still lovingly operated to this day, and celebrating innovation with electronic jacquard broadlooms and a state-of-the-art robotic high-speed loom, we make carpets which reflect our passion and culture. Every carpet made in Wilton has been expertly made with skilled hands and has run a gauntlet of quality control procedures, to ensure nothing less than perfect leaves our factory.

This collection of luxurious axminster rugs has been curated to add modern flexibility to your interior scheme.  The 14 cool, contemporary rugs are all woven to order in our durable, 8 row axminster carpet. Manufactured in our Wiltshire factory in our standard contract-quality of 80% wool, 20% nylon yarn blend, they offer outstanding long-lifetime-value.

The collection is manufactured 3.05m (10’) wide x 2.44m (8’) long as standard but as with the designs, if you are after a bespoke style and size, our Area Managers and Design Studio will be on hand to create exactly what you have in mind.

Wilton Carpets has forged a reputation for excellence through decades spent immersed in good design and unwavering attention to carpet craft. You can find us in the Wiltshire town of the same name; Wilton has been the historic and spiritual home of carpet weaving since 1741, and has come to stand for fine carpets of enduring quality.

All our woven axminster and wilton carpets are designed and made in Wilton using British wool, regarded as the world’s best for its blend of resilience and recovery. Embracing our heritage with our traditional narrowlooms and broadlooms, still lovingly operated to this day, and celebrating innovation with electronic jacquard broadlooms and a state-of-the-art robotic high-speed loom, we make carpets which reflect our passion and culture. Every carpet made in Wilton has been expertly made with skilled hands and has run a gauntlet of quality control procedures, to ensure nothing less than perfect leaves our factory.

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